FAMILY and HOME Songs and RhymesHere is a collection of songs and rhymes with a Family or Home theme to use when planning activities and curriculum for young children.
Hush little baby, don't say a word
Papa's going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mocking bird won't sing, Papa's going to buy you a diamond ring If that diamond ring turns brass, Papa's going to buy you a looking glass. If that looking glass gets broke, Papa's going to buy you a Billy goat If that Billy goat won't pull, Papa's going to buy you a cart and bull If that cart and bull turn over, Papa's going to buy you a dog named Rover If that dog named Rover won't bark, Papa's going to buy you a horse and cart If that horse and cart falls down, You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town. There were 5 in the bed And the little one said, "Roll over, roll over." So they all rolled over and one fell out There were 4 in the bed And the little one said, "Roll over, roll over." Count down to 1. There was one in the bed, And the little one said: "I've got the who-le bed to myself, I've got the who-le bed to myself, I've got the who-le bed to myself - I've got the whole bed to myself! Sung to: "Over the River and Through the Woods" Over the river and through the woods To Grandma's house we go. The car knows the way To go today To Grandma's house. Hoo-ray ay! Over the river and through the woods To Grandma's house we go. To play with the toys And make lots of noise And give Grandma a hug! If Grandmothers ruled the world, There would be more thoughtfulness And goodness, and places to play, More gardens and neighbors, More quiet than busy, More sharing, more laughter, More presents just because, And enough hugs to make everyone Feel loved and special. Grandma, I love you, And you'll always have A very special place In my heart. (Tune of “Take me out to the ballgame) Let's go see our grandparents, Take us there for a while. Mommy and Daddy both need a break. We'll play games and we'll stay up real late! Oh, we want to thank our grandparents For all the things that they do, So it's time.. to.. say you're the best And that we love you! Let's clap our hands for Grandma, for Grandma, for Grandma, Let's clap our hands for grandma, Let's clap them this way. Clap this way and that way, Clap this way and that way, Let's clap our hands for Grandma Let's clap them this way. Make up additional actions for verses. These are grandmother’s glasses (makes circles around eyes with fingers) This is grandmother's hat. (use both hands and cup on head) This is the way she folds her hands, (fold hands) And puts them on her lap. (Put hands in lap) These are Grandpa's glasses This is Grandpa's hat Here's the way he folds his arms And THAT IS THAT! Some families are large, (spread arms out wide) Some families are small (bring arms close together) But I love my family (cross arms over chest) best of all! With our hands, We made this quilt, We each made a special part, To show you that the friendship we share, Warms each and every heart! Sung to: "Jingle bells" D-A-D, D-A-D, Dad is my best friend. We play games, we go the park, The fun just never ends! D-A-D, D-A-D, I love to hold your hand. It feels so good, it feels so safe, You're the best dad in this land! Sung to: "Pop Goes the weasel" Daddy, here’s a hug for you, And lots of kisses too. (Hug self, then blow kisses.) Each hug and kiss you get today Says that I love you! (Continue hugging and blowing kisses) Sung to: "Twinkle, twinkle little star" Sometimes, Mom says, "Don't do this," Sometimes, Mom says, "Don't do that," She still loves me, that I know. Why? Because she tells me so. Sometimes, Mom says, "Let's do this!" Sometimes, Mom says, "Kiss, kiss, kiss!" Sung to: "The Muffin Man" Mommy, it's your special day, And it's time for me to say I'm glad for all the things you do. Thank you, Mommy, I love you! Sung to: Oscar Meyer song Oh, my mother has a special name. It’s M-O-M-M-Y! My mother has a special name. It’s M-O-M-M-Y! Oh, I love to hug her every day. And when I kiss her, I will say, Mommy, mommy, I love you! I L-O-V-E Y-O-U! (You are my Sunshine) I love you Mommy, My dearest Mommy, You make me happy, When I am sad, I want to tell you, I really love you! When I'm with you, I am so glad! Here is a nest for a robin. Here is a hive for a bee. Here is a hole for the rabbit; And here is a house for me! Where should I live? In a castle with towers and a moat? Or on a river in a houseboat? A winter igloo made of ice may be just the thing But what would happen when it turned to spring? I like tall apartments and houses made of stone. But I'd also like to live in a blue mobile home. A cave or a cabin in the woods would give me lots of space But I guess my home is the best place! I am going camping. Time to pack My tent, my sleeping bag, And a snack. I'll sit by the campfire (warm hands over fire.) Its glow so bright. (wiggle fingers for fire.) Then snooze in my tent (Pretend to snore.) Til the morning light! (Open eyes wide, forming sun over head.) We sat around the campfire On a chilly night Telling spooky stories In the pale moonlight Then we added some more logs, To make the fire bright, And sang some favorite camp songs Together with all our might. And when the fire flickered And embers began to form. We snuggled in our sleeping bags All cozy, tired, and warm. |
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