Babies Theme Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten
Babies theme activities, centers, printables and games to make and use when planning activities and lessons for preschool, pre-K and Kindergarten children. Also, grab activities from this page when an interest in babies emerges in your class group, or in an individual child. Download instantly, in Adobe PDF format. Many resources are free; others can be accessed in the Member Library area.
Find more activities and free printables related to a Babies theme: Mother's Day, Father's Day, Families, Grandparents |
babies theme free resources
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Become a KidSparkz member. These activities can be downloaded in the Member Library area of the site.
Babies math mats. Put groups of babies onto the rug and count them. MEMBERS
Babies toy - order by size - 3 pages. MEMBERS
Order by size activity - babies. MEMBERS
Matching cards for Concentration and Memory games. Print 2 copies. MEMBERS
10 interesting baby pictures for discussion and coloring. Add to the picture.
Baby photo puzzle - 6 pieces - print 2 copies. Cut up one and match to the other. MEMBERS
Babies theme story cards - oral language. 8 cards - children tell a "story" about a card. MEMBERS
Babies theme tracing numbers 0-10. Make a strip booklet or laminate for centers. MEMBERS
Babies maze - help the baby find the teddy. MEMBERS
Babies predictable "reading". Cut and paste predictable sentences. MEMBERS
Babies puzzle - baby with teddy. MEMBERS
Babies theme - trace a tippy cup. MEMBERS
Counting baby teeth 0-10 flashcards. Match with numbers, arrange in order. MEMBERS
Babies and rattles 10-frames counting to 10. MEMBERS
Babies preschool theme emergent reader - "What Can Babies Do?" MEMBERS
Babies match pacifier shape and color to baby – flashcards. Many other uses. 12 shapes. MEMBERS
Babies maze - help baby walk to grandma. MEMBERS
Blocks alphabet upper case flashcards. MEMBERS
Babies categorizing activity - babies can/can't use this. MEMBERS
Baby things beginning sounds cut and paste. MEMBERS
12 babies vocabulary words/pictures printable. MEMBERS
3 babies theme cutting practice printables - straight curved and zigzag. MEMBERS
Babies sentence building cut and paste printable: I like babies. MEMBERS
Babies sentence building cut and paste printable: Babies are cute. MEMBERS
Babies sentence building cut and paste printable: Where is the baby? MEMBERS
Babies sentence building cut and paste printable: The baby is sad. MEMBERS
If you like this theme you might also like:
- Mother's Day
- Father's Day
- Families
- Grandparents
- Become a KidSparkz member and access a password-protected area of the site for $3.50 a month.